Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

More about Yunho At Web-drama "Haru" Conference

Yunho menghadiri konfrensi "HARU", Hallyu star 2010 pada 26 Agustus 2010, yang diselenggarakan oleh Organisasi Pariwisata Korea. Bintang lainnya yang hadir adalah Kim Bum, Park Si Ho dan Han Chae Young. Anggota Bigbang tidak dapat hadir, tetapi mreka mengirimkan pesan melalui video sebagai gantinya :)

Sebagai bagian dari kampanye untuk menunjukkan korea sebagai tujuan wisata yang menarik, Hallyu memilih bintang-bintang terkemuka untuk mempromosikan video (dalam bentuk mini drama) yang akan di tayangkan seluruh dunia.

Selama sesi tanya jawab, Han Chae Young di tanya mengenai kesannya tentang Yunho. Dan dia menjawab bahwa ini adalah pertama kalinya mereka bertemu, tapi kesannya seperti apa yang ia telah liat di TV, bahwa Yunho tampan *pastinya, hehe* dan Yunho mempunyai selera fashion yang bagus *siapa dulu istrinya, haha .. siapa hayoo tebak ??? ^^*

Ketika ditanya tentang tempat di Korea yang menarik, Yunho merekomendasikan Seoul Tower. Yunho mengatakan bahwa hal itu akan menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk pergi bersama pasangan, keluarga ataupun teman :)


Yunho attended the "Haru" Conference - POWER PUSH!! Hallyu Star 2010 - today. Organized by the Korean Tourism Organization, other stars that attended were Kim Bum, Park Si Hoo and Han Chaeyoung. Due to a clash in their schedules, the members of Big Bang were unable to attend, and sent their regards over a video message instead.

As part of their new campaign to show Korea as an attractive tourist destination, these leading Hallyu stars were chosen to be the "new faces of Korea" and were selected as the main cast for a promotional video (in the form of a mini-drama), which will be aired worldwide.

During the Q&A session, Han Chaeyoung was asked about her impression of Yunho. She said that this was the first time she met Yunho but her impression of him, through what she has seen on TV, has always been that he's good looking and has great fashion sense.

When asked for his recommendations on places of interest in Korea, Yunho recommended the Seoul Tower. He said that it would be a great place to go with your partner for dates or even with your family and friends.

Source: [gyao]
Credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net

*bagus ya ... Yunho tau aja tempat yang indah begini ^^ by the way ada yang tau ada apa dengan Yunho dan Seoul Tower nggak ??? ^_* hehehehe*

Shared by : Yoojin

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